Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

If you would like to serve as a volunteer at Calvary Cape.
Please click the link below and one of our ministry leaders will be in touch with you.

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...”
Mark 10:45

In order for a church body to function as the Lord guides, we need all of
the members working together to fulfill the purpose God has called them to do.  

We at Calvary Fort Myers we value our volunteers and know that without
everyone serving together, we would not function well as a church.  

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

After a person has fellowshipped at Calvary Chapel Fort Myers for at
least 3-6 months, they can consider CC Fort Myers their home church.  
The person should set up a meeting with Pastor Chris or Pastor Don to discuss the area in which they would like to volunteer in on a regular basis.

A person can always help out and get involved in  helping with
events and activities as they happen at the church. 

How do I volunteer with music?

If a person wants in get involved in the music ministry at Calvary Fort Myers,
they must first regularly attend the church for at least 6 months.  
They should then contact Pastor Chris to set up a time to meet to
discuss his/her involvement in the music ministry.  
The person will then be referred to the active worship leader who will audition and determine if and when the person can  join the music ministry.  

How do I volunteer with kids?

A person must regularly attend Calvary Fort Myers for at least 3-6 months before they will be permitted within the kids ministry. Once they have decided that CC Fort Myers is their home church and would like to help with the kids,  they contact the children's directors, Donna or Christine Jennings for a children's ministry application.  Once the application is reviewed and a background check has been completed, the person can actively get involved.